Lex Mundus & Cencla

Our People

We are a firm of International Commercial
Lawyers, Mediators, Arbitrators, Notary Publics and Subject-Matter Experts. Join Us !

Technically, we have structured our firm to comprise senior partners who are well supported by practicing consultants and counselors with wide expertise in a range of sectors and industries. Our partners have consulted for a number of organizations including the World Bank. Our lawyers have schooled in leading institutions of learning, where many of them have picked up one first-prize award or the other. WE ARE LAW INTERNATIONAL

Professor Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua

LL.B (Hons) (UG), BL (GSL), LL.M (Dal), DCL (McGill)

Adam Malik Abdul-Rahim, Esq.

LLB (UG), BL, Barrister

Dr. Osei Bonsu Dickson, Esq. FCIMArb, ArbP

BA, LLB, LLM (UG), NIS (Harvard) BL, EPD (Rushford), Barrister

Dominic Osei Kwadwo, Esq.

BA (HONS), LLB (LOND), BL, Barrister

Alexander Adu-Antwi, Esq.

BSc (HONS), LLB (KAAF), BL, Barrister

Elorm Fugar, Esq.

BA (HONS), LLB (UG), BL, Barrister

Francesco Campangna, Esq

Off-Counsel (Italy), Int'l Trade Consultant and Hon. Consul of Ghana to Palermo

Abena Asare, Esq

BA (Hons), JD

Dr. Angela Lamptey

LexMu Regional Maritime Consultant

Francesco Bellina

LexMu International Art Consultant (Italy & Eurozone)

Dr. Ebenezer Appiah-Denkyira

Fmr Director-General, Ghana Health Service and LexMu International Medical Consultant

Dr. Frederick Price

LexMu Medical Consultant and Certified Mediator

Amb. Dr. William G.M Brandful

Fmr Ambassador to Japan and LexMu Foreign Policy Consultant

Ridwan Kadri

LexMu IT and Tech Lead

Lexli - Our AI Lead

Lex Mundus Brochure

Lex Mundus & Cencla adopts St. Lilian's Home for Autistic Children at Gayaza, Uganda in East Africa.